We seek to be true to the Bible in how we meet, and this is perhaps epecially evident in our Sunday morning worship meeting when we gather together to remember the Lord Jesus. Here, no man "conducts" the meeting, but each one in fellowship worships as he is led by the Spirit. The idea is not to be "different", but to follow the Biblical pattern, and in so doing, be a treasured meeting place for all who would want to do the same. We also meet together for prayer and Bible teaching, and for fellowship.
In Gourock's Bethany Hall, we are autonomous: not part of any religious organisation, but answerable to the Lord for what we do. Up and down the country, and indeed across the world, groups of Christians meet according to similar principles. Locally, our numbers are small, and we are no longer able to do all that we once did, however we continue to remember the Lord together, and to declare the Gospel of the Bible, which so few in our area seem to have heard or understood.
Please get in contact with us if you would like more information or have any questions; we would also be very pleased to welcome you at any of our meetings.